They say the first ten videos a new creator makes are horrible, so please don’t judge me too harshly at this stage. There is much to learn from production to editing, but the underlying message is good. It’s the financial information I’ve shared with you in classes for years that I believe is important for the general public. Most are directed to personal finances, like SHOULD I PAY OFF MY DEBT OR SAVE and DON’T PAY OFF YOUR LOW INTEREST MORTGAGE.
This channel will also have content on a macro-level of money, too. I’ve already published videos about INFLATION and TRUMP’S ATTEMPTED INVOLVEMENT IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE. There will be others like these related to Social Security, Medicare, and Healthcare–many government programs and legislative involvement that affect your wallet and financial security.
All of this is set to parallel my book, THE MORALITY OF MONEY, which hopefully will be published in the spring of 2025. But this also means improvements to our ONLINE INSURANCE CE courses. A few of the chapters from the book will be made into classes, but even better, once my video production and editing skills improve, I will create ONLINE INSURANCE CE classes you can watch rather than read. WOO HOO! (Maybe I should do more of that in the videos, too. LOL!)
It is important to me that Americans be armed with the facts about these crucial financial matters. Our world has an alarming amount of disinformation and harmful ideas–and still others that are simply a little less than helpful. I believe Truth is Power, and Love is Honest. I aim to arm you and your clients with valuable and straightforward solutions. I appreciate you accompanying me on this journey. I am excited to see where this goes.
Be sure to visit the new YouTube channel––please SUBSCRIBE, WATCH a few videos, and LIKE them too. All of these things help the channel gain more traction. If you are also interested and are an active or previous customer, please send me a FRIEND REQUEST on Facebook. My politics are left-leaning, and I make no apologies about it, BUT as long as we are all respectful, there is NO reason we can’t all get along. We must find a way to bridge this divide, so please connect.

This blog highlights Fearless Finances, Renee’s new YouTube channel, and the eventual NEW CONTENT for our ONLINE INSURANCE CE classes.
Renee E. Bryan also publishes writing on her blog, WrongWayLizzie.Me, and is in the process of writing a book about financial planning, which will be published in 2025.
Published November 2024
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