Well, that’s a wrap–our 2024 IN-PERSON INSURANCE CE classes at two Minnesota resort locations are over, and they were a success. In Alexandria, we had a good size crew of about 30 agents. For Gilbert on the Iron Range, we had a smaller crew of around 12 people, but here, a local agent, James (Mick) Giblin, organized our classes at a local golf club. He was so excited to have IN-PERSON INSURANCE CE nearby that he picked up most of the expenses for the venue. This was unexpected and greatly appreciated. It speaks to how many agents attending our classes are some of the most generous, thoughtful people. I couldn’t be blessed with a better business family.

Both offerings had agents we’d seen for years, and there were many brand-new faces, too. This always makes the BEST mix for lively discussions, and we had plenty of that, too. It truly was great to see so many of you in REAL LIFE. Since many of us were there from out of town, between class days, a group met for dinner, exchanging ideas and getting to know each other better. As I sit on my Mazatlan balcony typing these words, I miss you already. It may sound corny, but it is true. I do care deeply about so many of the agents who attend our classes.

I’ll tell you another truth–I didn’t want to do these IN-PERSON INSURANCE CE CLASSES. It’s a lot of work–arranging with the venues, confirming the room set up, packing, driving there, driving back, and then there’s the cost. When I look at the credit card statement that includes all the expenses, I wonder why I would keep doing this instead of just opening my computer and pressing a button. Then, POOF, you are all in the Zoom room, ready to go. I’ve gotten used to sharing links with you in the Zoom chat and some of the other automation features. Trying to do the same in an IN-PERSON INSURANCE CE COURSE offered additional challenges.

But here is another truth: It was fun and pretty cool to see you in the REALZ again. So, this is what I will do: I will set up ONE IN-PERSON INSURANCE CE course offering for 2025. It will likely be in the early part of September, as these recent courses were. I am not yet set on location. Since I have a little more time to plan, I would like to be at a northern resort with golf courses and beaches, but it is not required. Please do me a favor and EMAIL me your suggestions for the location, venue, and classes you would like for this IN-PERSON OFFERING.

Okay, so here is my final confession: I will not be doing DESTINATION INSURANCE CE COURSES in 2025, and I don’t know if I ever will. The standard classes are enough to work, but figuring out travel packages and coordinating them all is not worth it. Chances are, when you land here and feel the tropical sun in the middle of February, you will not want to attend class. That is what happened so many times when we did these classes before. We’d have half the class size that morning, and people wanted to move their registrations to courses not next to the Pacific Ocean. This all made for lots of extra work for me which isn’t any fun, and I like FUN, too!

I have a better plan. If you want to see Mazatlan, come on down. I will be happy to share with you what I know about this beautiful city. I am also more than willing to hang out and meet you at the beach, a local restaurant, or even near the FAMOUS SHRIMP LADIES OF MAZATLAN. We truly will have more fun that way. I promise–and that means you can still meet up with me in a LIVE INSURANCE CE WEBINAR. Double the fun!

Now that I am home in Mazatlan, we are back to our standard LIVE NO EXAM INSURANCE CE WEBINAR schedule next week. GET REGISTERED NOW because the classes start soon. If you are ready for your INSURANCE CE, send me a FRIEND REQUEST so we can stay in contact until you need your next 24-hour insurance continuing education. I hope to see you somewhere soon. 😀

Published September 2024. This blog highlights UPCOMING IN-PERSON AND DESTINATION CE classes. Renee E. Bryan also publishes writing on her blog: WrongWayLizzie.Me and is in the process of writing a book about financial planning to be published in 2025.


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Renee E. Bryan ~~ President & Primary Instructor
primary instructor at bryan ventures
BEST Blog: Who Reads ALL This CR*P Anyway

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