I hope your summer is going well. I’ve been traveling around the US and parts of Mexico. It’s been wonderful. If you’d like to see my adventures (and I can see yours) send me a FACEBOOK FRIEND REQUEST. […]
Recently, I was sitting at the gate waiting for my flight to Mazatlan, and I realized a flight to Minneapolis was boarding. I was immediately homesick. I posted my thoughts on Facebook the irony of the moment, and […]
When I moved to Mazatlan and began exclusively offering LIVE INSURANCE CE WEBINARS, I thought I would show you around Mexico. I haven’t been out there much—I’ve been too busy working—but all of that is starting to change. […]
Look at the picture above of that adorable crew. They came to visit me in Mazatlan, and I’ll tell you another secret: We all met at our very first DESTINATION CE classes in 2019. Hold on, that’s not […]
We’ve kicked off our NEW 2024-2025 LIVE INSURANCE CE WEBINARS this last week. Agents LOVED the new format with a half day of classes. We all had a lot of energy and lively discussions. The new content was […]
I recently wrapped up our classes in Duluth, and one of the agents leaving, said, “If I never see you again, I want you to know I really enjoyed your classes.” I asked her, “Are you retiring?” She […]
I am moving to Mexico! I’ve been in sunny Mazatlan for the last few months, January to March 2023, and I love it so much that after I move my daughter to her new location this spring, I am […]
insurance ce webinar savannah ga
LIVE INSURANCE CE WEBINARS can be instructed or attended anywhere. It’s probably best to start from honest footing. I will be instructing insurance CE for Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin agents in Savannah, Georgia, but we are hosting these […]
insurance ce at resort locations
Last Wednesday and Thursday, July 10th & 11th, I conducted another great insurance CE class at a beautiful resort location. This course was in Duluth, Minnesota, on the beautiful shores of Lake Superior. I honestly cannot put into […]
We did it! As promised, we made arrangements with a tropical site to host our live classroom insurance continuing education classes. We worked with the tour groups department at Sun County Airlines and we found fabulous rates for […]
best ce goes global
We did it! As promised, we finally made arrangements with a tropical site to host our live classroom insurance continuing education classes. We worked with the tour groups department at Sun County Airlines and we found fabulous rates […]
classroom connections
Great pairings, whether for comedy or intrigue, are as classic as movies themselves. You might not think you could find this “classic pairing” in an insurance continuing education course, but recently in our Brainerd classes, that is exactly […]
bemidji minnesota
If you are thinking, “Renee, you’ve now totally lost it. Bemidji can’t move. It’s a city. HELLO! Bemidji could change it’s name, but in this particular space-time continuum, as it exists today, Bemidji most certainly cannot move.” If […]
live insurance ce classes
Bryan Ventures is FULLY back in business and Renee is instructing every live insurance CE class! As we set up our classes in Detroit Lakes, one of the agents said, “Oh good, you’re here! Since you took a […]
times are changing
As I write this, I am at Ruttger’s Birchmont Lodge typing from their patio thinking this may be one of the last times I’ll be blessed enough to work from this location. More and more agents are doing […]
Renee E. Bryan ~~ President & Primary Instructor
primary instructor at bryan ventures
BEST Blog: Who Reads ALL This CR*P Anyway

A place for Renée E. Bryan to spout-off, and a place for you to learn more about the value that Bryan Ventures can offer to you and to your clients.

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