We have Kaplan Financial Insurance CE beat in ALL three product types
Be sure to scroll down and find out more about how the insurance continuing education options with Bryan Ventures compare with Kaplan Financial Insurance CE. Then register so you can find out for yourself why other agents say, ” This is the BEST CE!”
Our online courses are Convenient & Easy. For just $39, get UNLIMITED ACCESS from any device, anytime with NO LIMIT and we’ll track your progress. Only T/F questions & 70% accuracy to pass.
Meet our instructor in a ZOOM classroom through any device with internet and video capability. Identical content as our in-person CE classes from the comfort of your home or office.
Kaplan Financial no longer offers in-person classroom insurance continuing education. In fact, Bryan Ventures is one of the only providers that continues to offer this type of insurance CE offering.
Online Insurance CE
All you
can eat Savings
Bryan Ventures $39 ALL YOU CAN EAT is great! Kaplan Financial has a nice offer, but yours is a real bargain. $39 for 30 DAYS of UNLIMITED Insurance CE course access is the BEST value out there. Once agents get to know your company and the ease of your online insurance continuing education classes, it’s a hands down lock as to where their insurance CE dollars will go.
Clifford Hanson, Accord Benefit Resources, Inc..
3. Our courses NEVER expire-EVER!
Your purchase of online insurance CE credits can be used this renewal, or the next, or even the next.
5. Credits reported daily!
Normally, multiple times per day so your CE credits appear within hours of your insurance course completion..
7. Uninterrupted progress!
You can come and go from the material on multiple devices with an internet connection and our classes track your progress..
9. We give you variety!
Bryan Ventures offers over 35 online classes encompassing more than 100 course hours–plus three ethics classes & LTC refresher.
Our online courses are better than
Kaplan Financial Insurance CE
David Letterman made it famous, but this is no joke. Here are the TOP 10 reasons to select Bryan Ventures courses over Kaplan Financial Insurance CE.
We’ve got more though–other reasons to select Bryan Ventures instead of Kaplan Financial Insurance CE are below.
Register today and find out why other agents say,
“This is the
BEST Insurance CE!”
2. Our courses are easy!
Only 70% accuracy to pass, all T/F questions, multiple attempts, and the test questions NEVER change.
4. Assistance 24/7!
Our staff is available most evenings and weekends, and we offer support 24/7 via our TECH FAQs page.
6. Get a certificate immediately!
Upon successful completion of our courses, your certificate becomes available in your learning center
8. Our courses help you learn!
After every section, we offer sample questions to aid retention of the material and many are on the final exam.
10. Our classes are interesting!
Our courses were instructed in the classroom so the content includes relevant examples, humorous anecdotes, and agent commentary..
Bryan Ventures, Inc.
Est. 1999
A personal response from our founder
Renée E. Bryan, Owner & Primary Instructor

Why insurance agents believe we offer the BEST INSURANCE CE
Our goal has always been to offer better classes than other CE providers. Heck, I used to take courses through Kaplan Financial Insurance CE. I knew what I liked and what I didn’t. The History of Bryan Ventures tells you a little more about the type of classes we strive to provide the insurance agents. Bottomline, we offer insurance continuing education classes that are better than Kaplan Financial in every way.
Once we put together the BEST insurance CE classes, we offered the BEST price. You can get all of your insurance continuing education for just $39. That’s right, we offer 30 DAYS UNLIMITED ACCESS to our online course library for ONLY $39.
We also recommend you try one of our LIVE INSURANCE CE–either WEBINARS or CLASSROOM. We truly do put together the BEST engaging and entertaining material–and now, we offer insurance continuing education in the tropics so join us at our DESTINATION CE locations.
Price is another reason why Bryan Ventures’ classes are better than Kaplan Financial Insurance CE. For just $39 we will give you UNLIMITED ACCESS to our entire online course library allowing you to complete your CE for this renewal and the even next. You pick the classes and complete them at your leisure.
Still not convinced this is better than Kaplan Financial Insurance CE? This LOW, LOW price for UNLIMITED insurance CE includes three ethics options, MN LTC partnership, and annuity suitability. You can take life and health classes, P&C courses, financial strategies, retirement planning, and MUCH, MUCH MORE.
Erick Piper, Managing Partner at Triangle Solutions, LLC., purchased our 30 DAYS UNLIMITED ACCESS for just $39 two weeks before his renewal. Before his time limit expired, he completed a total of 48 insurance CE credits and fulfilled his requirement for two different renewal periods. Here’s what Erick had to say about his experience:
I wish I could say I planned it, but my purchase date happened to give me time on either side of my renewal. I got going and decided that I did not want to procrastinate on CE again, so I started some additional classes after the first of the month. Before I knew it, I completed another 24 hours of CE–all my required hours for another renewal!
I was impressed by the course content and format. The variety of topics kept it interesting. The self-study format and 24-hour accessibility was flexible allowing me to schedule around my obligations. I cannot imagine doing my insurance CE any other way or with anyone else, but Bryan Ventures! They really do have the BEST insurance CE.
Ready to register?

Not every insurance CE instructor gets flowers after class, but you do when you offer classes that are better than other insurance CE providers.
Better Than Kaplan Financial
Woo Hoo! Thanks again for providing the most entertaining insurance classes ever. Kaplan should attend your classes to take notes on how to keep the agents engaged. See you next year!
Andrew Nolting, Independent Insurance Agent
What do we have that Kaplan Financial Insurance CE doesn’t? LIVE IN-PERSON INSURANCE CE for one
The founder of Bryan Ventures, Renee E. Bryan, spent a career in the insurance and financial services industry, and started this company with one primary goal in mind–give agents what they want in their insurance continuing education. The professionals that attend our LIVE CE classes tell us we met that objective. You can read their comments on our BEST INSURANCE CE page or learn more ABOUT BRYAN VENTURES.
REGISTER NOW and find out for yourself the premium value our insurance continuing education classes offer.
Whether in-person or a webinar, our goal in a live insurance CE course is to compel agents to participate in the discussion. The class is better with your input, and the time goes faster.
If you prefer to sit back and listen, our live insurance CE discussions are designed to draw you in and hold your attention. Continuing education shouldn’t be a chore–we make it fun.
Join us in an IN-PERSON CLASSROOM INSURANCE CE course. Bryan Ventures offers several convenient and resort locations throughout Minnesota. Other companies like Kaplan Financial Insurance CE no longer offer these classes.
You are important to us. Bryan Ventures is a small, female owned company that values building real relationships. Over the years of instructing courses, we’ve come to really know and appreciate our customers. REGISTER and feel a part of our community.
Do what you love to do and do it so well that those who come to see you do it will bring others to watch you do it again and again and again. –Mark Victor Hansen
I can think of nothing that an audience won’t understand. The only problem is to interest them; once they are interested, they understand anything in the world. –-Orson Welles
Ready to register?
Our service is just better–it is.
We’ve received calls, more than one, from people taking insurance CE classes with Kaplan Financial, who were unable to get assistance when they needed it. They called us instead. We got them set up in our insurance continuing education,
and some of these calls are on the weekend or during the evening.
We are here for you when you want to get your insurance CE completed. Just read the two blogs linked below to better understand the service at Bryan Ventures versus Kaplan Financial Insurance CE.
24/7 Response
Whether it’s an evening, weekend, or holiday, our staff is checking for your call, text, or email. We list our CONTACT information at the top of every website page for easy access.
Easy Access
Our website and online insurance continuing education learning centers are set up for easy access avoiding the need to contact our staff for service.
The website and our online learning platform run efficiently without incidence. That is not the case with Kaplan Financial Insurance CE. We know of more than one case a Kaplan user waited days for technical support. Not the case at Bryan Ventures.
Our FAQ page and the introduction in the online learning center easily offers the answers to the most frequent questions and includes a TECH SUPPORT section which solves 99.9% of issues users might experience.
Our Insurance CE Reporting Practices are the BEST in the industry.
Do you want the company with the fastest insurance CE reporting?
Bryan Ventures reports earned insurance CE credit hours multiple times per day within hours of your class completion even on evenings, weekends, and holidays. This is our insurance CE reporting practice for ONLINE INSURANCE CONTINUING EDUCATION courses and attendees at our LIVE, NO EXAM INSURANCE CE classes. This is faster than any other insurance CE provider including Kaplan Financial.
To ensure timely insurance license renewals, toward the end of the month we increase the frequency that we report insurance CE credit hours. If you are taking our ONLINE INSURANCE CE classes, we will report credits well into the evening, and if you attend a LIVE INSURANCE CONTINUING EDUCATION course, your earned credits are normally reported before you leave class. Learn more about our excellent service on this blog, KAPLAN CAN’T HELP ME.

Ready to register?
Agents say, “It’s the best ce!”
Here’s why we’re the BEST
With more than 30 years experience, we offer the things insurance agents consider most important in their learning experience. This advantage simply makes us better than other providers like Kaplan Financial Insurance CE.
BEST Instructors
It’s simple–we make CE fun by getting agents involved in their learning experience and throwing in more than a dash of humor. Find out for yourself and register today.
BEST Material
We illustrate complex insurance principles with real life anecdotes and engaging examples with a goal to help you develop more business.
BEST Service
We report credits daily, normally before you leave class, and we have staff available evenings and weekends to assist you with the online courses.
BEST Value
We offer the LOWEST price in the industry, 30 DAYS UNLIMITED ACCESS for ONLY $39, and our LIVE classes are the BEST price for the BEST classes.
BEST Locations
We offer several locations throughout greater Minnesota, or you can access our web-based classes from the comfort of your home or office.
BEST Format
We give you the tools to easily access our insurance CE classes and join the material. Our goal is easy success in an engaging environment.
A few other reasons Bryan Ventures is better than
Kaplan Financial Insurance CE
We are confident that after a purchase of your insurance CE from Bryan Ventures,
you’ll find we offer the better CE in many ways and will keep coming back.
We offer the BEST service in the industry!
From reporting your insurance CE credits within hours of course completion to near immediate response to your requests sometimes even on evenings and weekends, hands down agents tell us time and again we are far more responsive than other insurance CE providers.
Bryan Ventures offers insurance continuing education to residents of three midwest states
We’re sorry, but we cannot offer insurance CE to residents of other states. However, these credits will apply for insurance continuing education credits for most other non-resident states.